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Is it safe to take Viagra and alcohol together?

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Viagra provides a helping hand in one of the most needful things, which is sex, for human beings. However, alcohol is a thing of pure pleasure, and it is not a thing humans can’t live without. Consuming Viagra and alcohol together is valid or safe for human health is a big question. Erectile dysfunction is not a new thing anymore, every 5th person out of 10 is going through mild or severe erectile dysfunction.  

And around that, only is the ratio of alcohol consumers in the world as well; alcohol makes some drastic changes in the human body, and so does Viagra, and the natural question arises in the mind whether they are safe to take together or not.  

Can You Take Viagra with Alcohol  

The answer to the question can you take Viagra with alcohol is yes and no. Don’t worry, and don’t get confused. You will get the exact answer as you read further. But the answer is yes and no because it depends on certain things that will be disclosed as you read further. You need to find out in which condition you fall and take action accordingly. 

Yes, you can take Viagra with alcohol. No, you cannot take too much alcohol; if done, the side effects of Viagra will convert from mild to moderate and severe. 

So, the perfect or mid-path answer would be to consume alcohol moderately if you are on Viagra.    

What Happens When You Use Viagra With Alcohol? 

Specifically, two things happen when you use Viagra with alcohol. 

Effect on sexual ability 

It is a proven and recorded fact in clinical trials that alcohol does affect erection by creating and supporting the condition of erectile dysfunction. The Founding of the research shouts that the muscles and blood containers of the penis get weakened and the bloodstream interrupts through alcohol.   

Deteriorate the positive effects of Viagra and improve side effects.   

Viagra will improve the condition of muscles and blood containers of the penis, which are weak, congested, and unable to stream blood. The blue pills will calm down the blood containers and muscles of the penis and create a path for blood to stream smoothly into the penis. This condition forms a result of a firm and extended erection that is core for long and satisfied intercourse, which gives

contentment to both men and women from their sexual activities. 

How Long After Taking Viagra Can You Drink Alcohol? 

You can drink alcohol while consuming Viagra; yes, your health provider will allow you to do that, but there are some regulations that you need to take care of. It is better if you let the medicine go out of your system if you take Viagra as required, as the core and inactive elements of Viagra will take around a day to go out from your system. 

In the case of regular users, Viagra’s active effect lasts for 4 to 6 hours after consumption and must be avoided alcohol during this time or can encounter various side effects.   

How Many Beers Can You Have With Viagra?


It is a fact that alcohol does affect a man’s erection, and that is the reason in Britain, there is a saying called “Brewer’s droop.” While having Viagra in your daily routine, a woman can have around 2 beers in a day and max 3 for a man. But the duration of consumption is very crucial, and do remember that you should not have 2 beers in an hour; drink slowly. 

Is it Safe to Take Viagra with Alcohol? 

Is it okay to take Viagra with alcohol? If this question keeps arising in your mind, read the following and get the exact answer. 

A man can have 3 drinks in a day while on Viagra; this number is 2 drinks in a day for women, and that is not more than 1 drink in an hour. If you take care of these rules, there are chances that you might not get any side effects, and it helps Viagra do its job effectively.   

Side Effects of Using Viagra with Alcohol 

Viagra and alcohol side effects can stay long if not taken care of in the early stage, so it is advisable to know what side effects can arise and seek guidance from your health provider. 

  • Light-headedness 

  • Facial flushing 

  • Vision blur 

  • Headache 

  • Chest pain 

  • Dizziness 

  • Indigestion 

Viagra and Alcohol Interactions: 

Viagra and Alcohol interactions are very much established truth, and you have to take care as it can bring some severe health concerns that are mentioned above. It will not let Viagra do its job effectively; some elements of Viagra and Alcohol will interact, and they will create side effects. So, is Viagra and alcohol safe? It may be if you take care of certain things while using both of them.


It is advised that one who is on Viagra must not have 15 drinks a week or will encounter some major side effects that will last for a long that is not all, but it will not let Viagra do its job, meaning you will not get a firm and extended erection to complete satisfactory intercourse. If the consumption of Viagra will not provide satisfactory intercourse, what is the use of the medicine? That is why health providers do not advise drinking more alcohol with Viagra. 

Alcohol and Erectile Dysfunction 

To understand how alcohol affects erection and creates erectile dysfunction, one needs to understand the workings of alcohol in the human system. 

Alcohol’s nature is to defunction or lessen testosterone production, which is a male hormones that help sexual function properly. When there are no or fewer hormones or testosterone production, sexual activities are not supported by your body, though you are sexually stimulated.  

The other effect that alcohol creates in the body is it weakens brain signals that get created when you are sexually stimulated to fill the penis with the bloodstream. When signals don’t reach the penis back, blood doesn’t stream in a sufficient amount in the penis. Thus, a firm and extended erection is missing for satisfactory intercourse. 

To overcome this condition of ED, you will be suggested Viagra medicines like Fildena 120, or Cenforce 100


Viagra is safe; this blue pill is a beautiful scientific creation to counter erectile dysfunction. Health providers across the globe prescribe it, and millions of men find it as a helping hand to come out of erectile dysfunction. However, some men create obstacles by consuming alcohol with Viagra; alcohol has a nature of raising impediments to erection by lessening the production of sexual hormones. 

So, if you need to drink, you should not consume more than 15 drinks a week while on Viagra. Keep yourself away from alcohol when Viagra is in your system for at least 4 to 6 hours. With these few rules and regulations, you can balance Viagra with alcohol.  

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